The bacterial chromosome is compacted and organised in the nucleoid of bacterial cells in a manner that allows every gene to be accessible on demand. The organisation is mediated by DNA-binding architectural proteins, commonly referred to as nucleoid-associated proteins, or NAPs, that exert their role by folding, bridging and twisting the chromosome, locally, at the scale of individual operons or regulatory elements, and over longer ranges resulting in compaction of macrodomains and the formation of inter-arm interactions. The chromosome is also compacted by DNA supercoiling that is maintained by DNA topoisomerases and gyrases. Actively transcribed genes and some NAPs behave as supercoil diffusion barriers, restricting supercoiling density to smaller chromosome segments (reviewed in Dame et al. (2020)). The steric effects of chromosome compaction limit the accessibility of open reading frames and regulatory elements, making chromatin structure a direct regulator of transcription. Being the architects of bacterial chromosomes, NAPs inherently play a dual role in the cell, functioning as chromosome structuring proteins and as transcription factors. The biochemical properties of proteins are affected by fluctuations in temperature, pH and osmolarity. This can result in, among others, the loss or gain of functionality, a change in multimeric state and a change in protein stability. Often, in NAPs, susceptibility to