No International Classification of Diseases 10 th revision (ICD-10) diagnosis code exists for injection drug use-associated infective endocarditis (IDU-IE). Instead, public health researchers regularly use combinations of non-specific ICD-10 codes to identify IDU-IE; however, the accuracy of these codes has not been evaluated.
We compared commonly used ICD-10 diagnosis codes for IDU-IE to a prospectively collected patient cohort diagnosed with IDU-IE at Barnes-Jewish Hospital to determine the accuracy of ICD-10 diagnosis codes used in IDU-IE research
ICD-10 diagnosis codes historically used to identify IDU-IE were inaccurate, missing 36.0% and misclassifying 56.4% of patients prospectively identified in this cohort. Use of these non-specific ICD-10 diagnosis codes resulted in substantial biases against the benefit of medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) with relation to both AMA discharge and all-cause mortality. Specifically, when data from all patients with ICD-10 code combinations suggestive of IDU-IE was used, MOUD was associated with an increased risk of AMA discharge (RR 1.12; 95% CI 0.48 - 2.64). In contrast, when only patients confirmed by chart review as having IDU-IE were analyzed, MOUD was protective (RR 0.49; 95% CI 0.19 - 1.22). Use of MOUD was associated with a protective effect in time to all-cause mortality in Kaplan-Meier analysis only when confirmed IDU-IE cases were analyzed (p=0.007)
Studies using non-specific ICD-10 diagnosis codes for IDU-IE should be interpreted with caution. In the setting of an ongoing overdose crisis and a syndemic of infectious complications, a specific ICD-10 diagnosis code for IDU-IE is urgently needed