Coral reefs support the livelihood of half a billion people but are at high risk of collapse due to the vulnerability of corals to climate change and local anthropogenic stressor. While understanding coral functioning is essential to guide conservation efforts, research is challenged by the complex nature of corals. They exist as metaorganisms (holobionts), constituted by the association between the (coral) animal host, its obligate endosymbiotic algae (Symbiodiniaceae), and other microorganisms comprising bacteria, viruses, archaea, fungi and other protists. Researchers therefore increasingly turn to model organisms to unravel holobiont complexity, dynamics, and how these determine the health and fitness of corals. The coral Galaxea fascicularis is an emerging model organism for coral symbiosis research with demonstrated suitability to aquarium rearing and reproduction, and host-Symbiodiniaceae symbiosis manipulation. However, how its microbiome responds to long-term captivity and to menthol bleaching—the experimental removal of the Symbiodiniaceae which represents the first step in the coral-algal symbiosis manipulation—remains unexplored. For this, we characterized the bacterial microbiome of symbiotic and menthol-bleachedG. fascicularisoriginating from the Red Sea and South China Sea (Hong Kong) that were long-term aquarium-reared in separate facilities. We found that captive corals hosted a relatively simple microbiome composed of fewer bacterial taxa than typically found in wild corals. Polyps from the same colony had similar microbiomes, which were distinct from those of other colonies despite co-culturing in shared aquaria. While the response of the bacterial microbiome to menthol bleaching differed between the two facilities, microbiome destabilization and loss of structure emerged as a unifying response, indicative of a dysbiotic state. Considering the importance of captivity and bleaching treatments for holobiont research, our results contribute fundamental knowledge for the development of the Galaxea coral model for symbiosis research.