Background and Objective: Mugilidae aquaculture is found worldwide in coastal temperate and tropical waters. It is globally important industry that provides essential food to a growing world population. This study was carried out to evaluate common types of pathogenic bacteria in the muscles of Valamugil seheli of Khawr Al-Mukalla seawater as well as to evaluate the nutritional value of protein, fat ash and carbohydrates of this species. Materials and Methods: The trial was undertaken in the 4 seasons of the year from March, 2019 to February, 2020. A total of 144 specimens of fish and 12 triplicate samples of surface seawater were collected and evaluated.Results: Significant values (p<0.05) were obtained in the total count, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and total coliform. The number of isolated microorganisms in the terms of the bacterial total count, S. aureus, E. coli and total coliform were 7 log CFU, 3 log CFU, 2.7 log CFU and (500 MPN), respectively. No growth of Salmonella sp. and Vibrio parahaemolyticus was observed. However, protein, fat, ash and moisture content in the muscles of V. seheli throughout the seasons were evaluated. Overall, the highest values of pathogenic bacteria were found in summer while the lowest one in winter. Conclusion: The pathogenic microorganisms in the muscles of V. seheli and seawater at Khawr Al-Mukalla were in the range scale of Yemen standard.