Plant colonization by bradyrhizobia is found not only in leguminous plants but also in nonleguminous species such as rice. To understand the evolution of the endophytic symbiosis of bradyrhizobia, the effect of the ecosystems of rice plantations on their associations was investigated. Samples were collected from various rice (Oryza sativa) tissues and crop rotational systems. The rice endophytic bradyrhizobia were isolated on the basis of oligotrophic properties, selective medium, and nodulation on siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum). Six bradyrhizobial strains were obtained exclusively from rice grown in a crop rotational system. The isolates were separated into photosynthetic bradyrhizobia (PB) and nonphotosynthetic bradyrhizobia (non-PB). Thai bradyrhizobial strains promoted rice growth of Thai rice cultivars better than the Japanese bradyrhizobial strains. This implies that the rice cultivars possess characteristics that govern rice-bacterium associations. To examine whether leguminous plants in a rice plantation system support the persistence of rice endophytic bradyrhizobia, isolates were tested for legume nodulation. All PB strains formed symbioses with Aeschynomene indica and Aeschynomene evenia. On the other hand, non-PB strains were able to nodulate Aeschynomene americana, Vigna radiata, and M. atropurpureum but unable to nodulate either A. indica or A. evenia. Interestingly, the nodABC genes of all of these bradyrhizobial strains seem to exhibit low levels of similarity to those of Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens USDA110 and Bradyrhizobium sp. strain ORS285. From these results, we discuss the evolution of the plant-bradyrhizobium association, including nonlegumes, in terms of photosynthetic lifestyle and nod-independent interactions. P lant infection and colonization by bradyrhizobia are found in not only leguminous plants but also nonleguminous species such as rice (1, 2). However, the symbiosis mechanisms governing the relationship between Bradyrhizobium bacteria and rice have been absolutely unclear although the evolution of the bradyrhizobium-rice association may have occurred earlier than the bradyrhizobium-legume symbiosis. In addition, rice is the most important food crop in Asia. High-yield rice production requires huge amounts of nitrogen fertilizers. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) from rice root-associated bacteria has a great potential to improve sustainable rice production. Rice-legume rotational cropping systems are useful for rice production since legumes can be planted after the rice season, and nitrogen from the legumes can be provided for rice. Bradyrhizobia are well recognized for their ability to fix atmospheric dinitrogen into ammonia in the nodules of legumes, thus providing ammonia to host plants. The bradyrhizobium-legume symbiosis has been reported to increase the legume productivity of agricultural farms (3-5).Bradyrhizobium has been well defined as an oligotrophic bacteria which can survive under nutrient-deprived conditions (6, 7). In addition, a renewed interest in endop...