are important examples of active or self-propelled colloids.
Because of their directed motion, they accumulate near interfaces.
There, they can become trapped and swim adjacent to the interface
via hydrodynamic interactions, or they can adsorb directly and swim
in an adhered state with complex trajectories that differ from those
in bulk in both form and spatiotemporal implications. We have adopted
the monotrichous bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01 as a model species and have studied its motion at oil–aqueous
interfaces. We have identified conditions in which bacteria swim persistently
without restructuring the interface, allowing detailed and prolonged
study of their motion. In addition to characterizing the ensemble
behavior of the bacteria, we have observed a gallery of distinct trajectories
of individual swimmers on and near fluid interfaces. We attribute
these diverse swimming behaviors to differing trapped states for the
bacteria in the fluid interface. These trajectory types include Brownian
diffusive paths for passive adsorbed bacteria, curvilinear trajectories
including curly paths with radii of curvature larger than the cell
body length, and rapid pirouette motions with radii of curvature comparable
to the cell body length. Finally, we see interfacial visitors that
come and go from the interfacial plane. We characterize these individual
swimmer motions. This work may impact nutrient cycles for bacteria
on or near interfaces in nature. This work will also have implications
in microrobotics, as active colloids in general and bacteria in particular
are used to carry cargo in this burgeoning field. Finally, these results
have implications in engineering of active surfaces that exploit interfacially
trapped self-propelled colloids.