We screened 67 mutants in the O-helix of Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I (pol I) for altered fidelity of DNA synthesis. These mutants were obtained (Suzuki, M., Baskin, D., Hood, L., and Loeb, L. A. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 93, 9670 -9675) by substituting an oligonucleotide containing random sequences for codons 659 -671, and selecting for complementation of a growth defect in Escherichia coli caused by temperature-sensitive host pol I. Thirteen mutants decreased fidelity in a screen that employed primer extension reactions lacking one of four complementary deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs). Three mutants were purified and exhibited 29 -68% of wild-type specific activity. Homogeneous polymerases A661E, A661P, and T664R extended primers further than the wild-type, synthesizing past template nucleotides for which the complementary dNTP was absent. The data indicate that both misinsertion of incorrect nucleotides and extension of mispaired primer termini were increased. In a lacZ␣ forward mutation assay, A661E and T664R yielded mutation frequencies at least 7-and 25-fold greater, respectively, than that of the wild-type polymerase. These findings emphasize the importance of the O-helix in substrate recognition and are compatible with a role for pyrophosphate release in enhancing fidelity of DNA synthesis.
Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase I (pol I)1 is used extensively in the amplification of DNA by the polymerase chain reaction. Based on its primary sequence, crystal structure, and catalytic mechanism, Taq pol I is classified in the same family as Escherichia coli pol I (1-3). The amino acid sequences of Taq pol I and E. coli pol I are 38% homologous, both enzymes have 5Ј-3Ј exonuclease domains (4, 5), and the crystal structures of the polymerase domains are nearly identical (5, 6). The structure of the vestigial 3Ј-5Ј exonuclease domain of Taq pol I is very different, however; unlike E. coli pol I, purified Taq pol I exhibits no proofreading activity (7).The O-helix in E. coli pol I is constituted of 15 amino acids which form part of the DNA binding cleft (8). Crystallographic, biochemical, and mutagenesis studies indicate that four conserved residues in the O-helix which face toward the cleft interact with either the incoming dNTP or the templateprimer. Considerable evidence indicates that in E. coli pol I, Arg-754 and Lys-758 interact with the phosphate groups in the incoming dNTP, that Phe-762 interacts with the deoxyribose moiety in the dNTP, and that Tyr-766 binds to the templateprimer (9 -11). The nearly identical structures of the polymerase domains of Taq pol I and E. coli pol I (6, 7) suggest that the corresponding amino acids in Taq pol I have analogous functions. By using random sequence mutagenesis together with genetic complementation, we recently observed that the Ohelix of Taq pol I contains four amino acids which are immutable (or nearly immutable) and are apparently essential for catalysis in vivo (12). These residues, Arg-659, Lys-663, Phe-667, and Tyr-671, corres...