4)X174am3trD, a temperature-resistant mutant of bacteriophage 4X174am3, exhibited a reduced ability to grow in a dnaP mutant, Escherichia coli KM107, at the restrictive temperature (430C). Under conditions at which the dnaP gene function was inactivated, the amount and the rate of 4X174am3trD DNA synthesis were reduced. The efficiency of phage attachment to E. coli KM107 at 43°C was the same as to the parental strain, E. coli KD4301, but phage eclipse and phage DNA penetration were inhibited in E. coli KM107 at 430C. It is suggested that the dnaP gene product, which is necessary for the initiation of host DNA replication, participates in the conversion of attached phages to eclipsed particles and in phage DNA penetration in vivo in normal infection.