“…Picture 1a-EPS fi lling the space between sand grains, 1b-bacteria, 2a-carbonate precipitation cementing the space between sand grain, 2b-bacteria, 3a-fungal hyphae, 3b-bacteria, 3c-calcite precipitation, 3d-fi ne EPS deposit, 4a-small bacterial cocci embedded in EPS, 4b-bacteria rod embedded in EPS, 4c-calcifi ed microorganisms, 4d-"nano spirulina", 5a-fi ne EPS fi lm, 5b-bacteria covered by fi ne EPS, 5c-carbonate precipitate, 6a-bacteria covered by a dense EPS accumulation, 7a-diatom skeleton, 8a-bacteria free of EPS, 8b-bacteria embedded in EPS. In column experiments, the addition of heterotrophic nanofl agellates or amoebae merely delayed the occurrence of clogging (DeLeo and Baveye, 1997;Weber-Shirk and Dick, 1999;Mattison et al, 2002), probably by grazing on attached bacteria. However, in our study, predator abundances were signifi cantly higher at the surface of C+ fi lters.…”