For given ǫ ą 0 and b P R m , we say that a real mˆn matrix A is ǫ-badly approximable for the target b if lim inf}q} n xAq ´by m ě ǫ, where x¨y denotes the distance from the nearest integral point. In the present paper, we obtain upper bounds for the Hausdorff dimensions of the set of ǫ-badly approximable matrices for fixed target b and the set of ǫ-badly approximable targets for fixed matrix A. Moreover, we give an equivalent Diophantine condition of A for which the set of ǫbadly approximable targets for fixed A has full Hausdorff dimension for some ǫ ą 0. The upper bounds are established by effectivizing entropy rigidity in homogeneous dynamics, which is of independent interest. For the A-fixed case, our method also works for the weighted setting where the supremum norms are replaced by certain weighted quasinorms.