Inhibin and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are hormones which directly affect ovulation rate in mammals. The aim of this study was to evaluate beta B subunit of inhibin (INHBB: inhibin βB) and beta subunit of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSHB) in terms of prolificacy. For this reason, some polymorphisms of INHBB and FSHB genes were determined with DNA sequencing method in two Turkish native sheep breeds, one of which was Bafra ewes with high prolificacy and the other of which was Akkaraman ewes with low prolificacy. According to GeneBank references, four SNPs, three of which were in INHBB gene and one of which was in FSHB gene, were determined. In Akkaraman ewes, three SNPs, two of which were in INHBB gene and one of which was in FSHB gene, were polymorphic while one SNP in INHBB gene was monomorphic. In Bafra ewes, only one SNP in INHBB gene was polymorphic while the others were monomorphic. All SNPs were investigated in terms of the relationship of litter size within breed and between breeds. In the evaluation of relationship of litter size between breeds, Akkaraman ewes were taken as a low prolific breed to compare Bafra and so it was found that there was no SNP unique in Bafra ewes. In the evaluation of relationship of litter size within breed, variance analyses and logistic regression analyses were used, and each polymorphic SNP was handled individually and together with others (SNPs combination). The effect of SNP and SNPs combination on litter size was insignificant in terms of statistics (P>0.05). Consequently the polymorphisms determined in INHBB and FSHB genes were not related with litter size in Bafra and Akkaraman ewes.
Keywords: FSHB, Gene, INHBB, Litter size, Sheep
Akkaraman ve Bafra Koyun Irklarında İnhibin βB Geni Ekzon 2 Bölgesi ve FSHB geni Ekzon 3 Bölgesinin Yavru Verimine Etkisi
Özetİnhibin ve folikül stimülan hormon (FSH) memelilerde ovulasyon oranını doğrudan etkileyen hormonlardandır. Bu çalışmanın amacı inhibin beta B (INHBB: inhibin βB) ve folikül stimülan hormon B (FSHB) genlerini yavru verimi yönünden değerlendirmektir. Bunun için, Türkiye yerli koyun ırklarından yavru verimi yüksek Bafra koyunları ve yavru verimi düşük Akkaraman koyunlarında INHBB ve FSHB genlerindeki bazı polimorfizmler dizi analiz yöntemi ile tespit edilmiştir. Gen bankası referans dizisine göre üç tanesi INHBB geni içinde bir tanesi FSHB geni içinde olmak üzere toplam dört adet SNP belirlenmiştir. Akkaramanlarda ikisi INHBB geninde biri FSHB geninde olmak üzere üç SNP'de polimorfizm gözlenirken biri monomorfik olarak gözlenmiştir. Bafralarda ise sadece INHBB geninde bir SNP polimorfik olarak gözlenirken diğerleri monomorfik olarak gözlenmiştir. Bu SNP'ler ile yavru verimi arasındaki ilişkiler ırklar arası ve ırk içi araştırılmıştır. Irklar arası değerlendirmede, Akkaraman ırkı yavru verimi düşük ırk olarak alınmış buna göre Bafra ırkına özgü herhangi bir SNP'e rastlanmamıştır. Irk içi değerlendirmede ise polimorfik SNP'lerin tek başlarına ve beraber bulunma durumlarının (SNP kombinasyonları) yavru veri...