Magnetoelectric barium titanate ceramics with embedded cobalt iron alloy particles (Co 1/3 Fe 2/3 ) x -(BaTiO 3 ) (1Àx) , with x=0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, were prepared by a polyolmediated synthesis with subsequent sintering in a reducing forming gas atmosphere.The samples were characterized by XRD and SEM/EDX measurements. The sizes of the Co 1/3 Fe 2/3 grains increase with x. Impedance spectroscopy showed a behavior similar to pure BaTiO 3 , in particular the occurrence of the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, and high permittivities for the sample with x=0.6, that is, near the percolation threshold. The samples exhibit soft ferromagnetic properties with large saturation magnetizations of 2.5 l B /atom and narrow hystereses. Detailed magnetoelectric investigations revealed a unique DC-field dependence of a ME for all three compositions. Most remarkably, the sample with x=0.4 possesses a broad ME hysteresis and an inversion of the sign of a ME at 5 kOe.
K E Y W O R D Sbarium titanate, cobalt iron alloy, magnetoelectric effect, metal-ceramic composite, multiferroic