Cut romaine lettuce, packaged under modified atmosphere, was subjected to 0.15 and 0.35 kGy gamma irradiation. Irradiation at 0.35 kGy decreased aerobic plate counts by 1.5 logs and yeast and mold counts by 1 log; these differences were maintained through the 22-d storage. Irradiation at 0.15 kGy caused smaller reductions in microbial counts. A decrease in headspace CO 2 was observed in the 0.35-kGy-treated lettuce, although CO 2 concentrations increased in all samples with storage. O 2 concentration was not affected by irradiation. Ten percent loss in firmness was observed at 0.35 kGy, while other sensory attributes such as color, generation of off-flavor, and appearance of visual defects were not affected.