Available online xxxx MSC: primary 54C35, 54D35, 54C45, 91A44 secondary 54B10, 54D45 Keywords: Weakly pseudocompact space Space of continuous functions Pseudocomplete space WeaklyA space X is weakly pseudocompact if it is G δ -dense in at least one of its compactifications. X has property D Y if for every countable discrete and closed subset N of X, every function f : N → Y can be continuously extended to a function over all of X. O-pseudocompleteness is the pseudocompleteness property defined by J.C. Oxtoby [17], and T -pseudocompleteness is the pseudocompleteness property defined by A.R. Todd [24]. In this paper we analyze when a space of continuous functions C p (X, Y ) is weakly pseudocompact where X and Y are such that C p (X, Y ) is dense in Y X . We prove: (1) For spaces X and Y such that