The article is about the educational opinions of Alibey Huseynzade, who dedicated his whole life to the enlightenment of his nation. It is noted that, Ali Bey Huseynzade made speeches on the press pages or on the “Fuyuzat” journal founded by him with his considerations on the problems, views and opinions of the national literary press on such educational issues. The ideas about the great and exceptional service of Ali bey Huseynzade as a public figure, educator, pedagogue, poet, artist, and journalist are discussed in the article,his contribution to the history of Azerbaijan's enlightenment, the development of school and pedagogical ideas, the national awakening and progress of the Azerbaijani people and Turkish world. Ali Bey Huseynzade's loyalty to the traditions of classical Eastern poetry and our ancient cultural heritage is remarkable.It is conveyed to the reader's attention that, Ali Bey Huseynzade actually played an important role in increasing the educational power of Turkish-Islamic nations along with acquiring the Western culture and civilizational achievements by defending the idea of not separating from its spiritual, religious and ethnic foundations.