The inhibition of human plasmin by a,-antitrypsin was time dependent and the rate of inhibition rapidly decreased with decreasing temperature.The effect of substrates on the inhibitions of trypsin and chymotrypsin was investigated. Theoretically the final degree of inhibition should be the same, whether the substrate is added to the proteinase-inhibitor system before or after the formation of the complex. The inhibition of chymotrypsin by a,-antitrypsin and of trypsin by commercial soybean trypsin inhibitor was in line with the prediction, with either casein or synthetic esters as substrates. However, in the trypsin-a,-antitrypsin system the degree of inhibition depended on the order in which the reactants were mixed. With both casein and p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester as substrates, inhibition was high when trypsin was preincubated with the inhibitor and the substrate was added later, and low or absent when the proteinase was added to the mixture of inhibitor and substrate.In the inhibition mixtures of plasmin, trypsin and chymotrypsin with a, -antitrypsin, distinct changes were detected by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. The unreacted inhibitor diminished or disappeared and reaction products were formed at rates corresponding to rates of inhibition. a,-Antitrypsin, the most abundant proteinase inhibitor in human serum, exhibits a broad range of specificity toward proteinases. It is known to inhibit trypsin [I -41, chymotrypsin [2-41, elastase [3,5-81, plasmin [4,9-131, thrombin [4], collagenases [14,15] According to several authors the inhibition of trypsin and chymotrypsin by a,-antitrypsin is stoichiometric and is complete in a very short time [l -41. In contrast, the inhibition of kallikrein and plasmin is not strictly stoichiometric [4], is slow [3,4,10,11,16], and strongly temperature dependent [ 161. Acylation of a,-antitrypsin with maleic anhydride abolishes its trypsin-inhibiting capacity [ 19,201 suggesting that one or more lysine residues play a part in the binding process.Rimon et al. found that while inhibition of trypsin and chymotrypsin was not retarded in the presence of substrate, the inhbition of plasmin and thrombin was [4].I examined the reactions of plasmin, trypsin and chymotrypsin with a,-antitrypsin by inhibition studies. The effects of substrates on the inhibition of chymotrypsin were in good agreement with theoretical predictions, but on the inhibition of trypsin were not.The inhibition of the three different proteinases by a,-antitrypsin was accompanied by electrophoretically detectable changes, and the rate of these changes was about the same as the corresponding rate of inhibition.Some of these observations were included in a previous abstract [21].