This article presents a new Moist Atmosphere Dynamics Data Assimilation Model (MADDAM), an intermediate-complexity system for four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation. The prognostic model equations simulate nonlinear moisture advection, precipitation, and the impact of condensational heating on circulation. The 4D-Var assimilation applies the incremental approach and uses transformed relative humidity as a control variable. In contrast to the model dynamical variables, which are analyzed in multivariate fashion using equatorial wave theory, moisture data are assimilated univariately. MADDAM is applied to study the extraction of wind information from time series of moisture observations in the Tropics, where the lack of wind information is most critical. Results show that wind tracing in the unsaturated atmosphere depends largely on the ability of the assimilation model to resolve spatial gradients in the moisture field, which is determined by the spatial density and accuracy of observations. In the saturated atmosphere, a combined assimilation of moisture and temperature data is shown to improve wind analyses significantly, as the intensity of the condensation process is susceptible to the slightest changes in saturation humidity and thus temperature. Moreover, a perfect-model 4D-Var with moisture observations can extract wind information even in precipitating regions and strongly nonlinear flow, provided sufficient observations of humidity gradients are available. MADDAM is envisaged to serve as a testbed for new developments in 4D-Var assimilation, with a focus on interactions between moist processes and dynamics across many scales.
KEYWORDShumidity control variable, moist 4D-Var, moisture observations, tropical data assimilation, wind tracing
INTRODUCTIONSimplified numerical prediction models are valuable testbeds for data assimilation research. An idealized framework, with respect to numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, aids understanding and simplifies research. Simplified models allow us to (a) develop and implement new algorithms faster than in the NWP case, and (b) perform numerical experiments in a controlled environment in which various issues, difficult to grasp in a real NWP, can be understood more easily. At the same time, simplified models should still be complex enough to capture the main dynamical and physical aspects of the phenomena of interest, in order to explain the observed features of the circulation and to be of any value for NWP. An important model of this type is based on the rotating nonlinear shallow-water equations (for example, Vallis, 2006), which include both balanced (vorticity-dominated) dynamics and gravity-wave dynamics as well as their interactions. Shallow-water models (SWMs) were applied in a number of data assimilation studies to develop new concepts and to study the value of mass-field and wind-field observations (for example, Žagar et al., 2004a, and references therein). This question is especially important in the Tropics, where wind-field informati...