The essential theme of this article is the exploitation of known configurations in projective planes in order to construct pairwise balanced designs. Among the results shown are (q 2 + 1)/2 ∈ B((q + 1)/2, 2) for all odd prime powers q; the resolution of 31 of the Mullin and Stinson's open cases in the spectrum of B(P7, 1), where P7 is odd prime powers ≥ 7; some constructions showing the inessential nature of values in E a + , where E a + are PBD generating sets containing values equal to 1 mod(a) for 5 ≤ a ≤ 7; some constructions with block sizes being prime powers ≥ 8, yielding 7 MOLS of order 158 and 9 MOLS of order 254; and some designs on 28, 38, 42, 56, 63, 68, 72, and 156 points with interesting block sizes. Remark 4.2. Useful examples where 1 < t < k − 1 are not common. Bennett [11] used this in the T [17, 1; 31] case, and filled in the groups with a point at infinity to show 528 − t ∈ B({16, 17, 17 − t * , 31, 32}, 1). Another example deletes three collinear points in a T [25, 1; 31] giving 772 ∈ B({22 * , 24, 25, 30, 31}, 1) as an intermediate step in constructing a B[6, 1; 5 · 772 + 1], a value that was not constructed in [50], but has since been constructed by other means [64].If we have the basic design embedded as an arc in a projective plane, then we also have the option of extending, or spiking, any line of the plane up to its full size in the plane. Theorem 4.3. If a projective plane of order q contains a {v; K ∪ k * }-arc, and 0Remark 4.4. Note that whether {1} ∈ K or not is not inconsequential if blocks of size 2 are to be avoided.Remark 4.5. This construction has often been used with transversal designs, and the most usual construction takes a point not on the special line to generate the groups, yieldingCorollary 4.6. 123 ∈ B({8, 9, 11 * }, 1).Proof. We may embed the 120 point Seiden design (discussed in Section 5) in PG(2, 16), and take t = 3 and k = 8.Remark 4.7. This value was unknown in [11].Usually the two constructions in Theorems 4.1 and 4.3 are not mixed, as no new v values result, and extra block sizes are generated. However, when we can stand the extra block sizes, we can sometimes achieve a specific block size with a specific v. This is useful in constructing incomplete transversal designs. Theorem 4.8. If v ∈ GD(K, λ, M ) and K ⊂ RT (s, 1) and M ⊂ T (s, λ), then v ∈ T (s, λ).Proof. See [38, Theorem 3.2]. The proof also shows that if a group of size m occurs, then the design will contain T [k, λ; m] as a subdesign.Remark 4.9. Wilson [62] gives an alternative construction which is typically better than Theorem 4.8. However, Theorem 4.8 suffices here; I was not able to show that I could satisfy Wilson's hypotheses for some of the cases I needed. Lemma 4.10. If 7 ≤ a ≤ 18, then 160 + a ∈ B({7, 8, 9, 23} ∪ 13 * ∪ a * , 1).Proof. Start with a T [7, 1, 23], embedded in PG(2, 23), and select two lines that intersect in this design, and apply Theorem 4.3 twice, once with t = 6, and once with t = a − 7. If the groups of the design were generated as in Remark 4.5, since 6 + a ≤ 24, we can en...