The Northern part of Kuwait is a highly active development area for deeper gas, intermediate-depth conventional oil and shallow heavy oil. All these developments have overlapping footprints in an already congested area, requiring different development concepts for gas, water flood and steam respectively. Additionally, different Assets manage the respective reservoirs. Integrated Urban Planning across all Assets therefore becomes a vital requirement for realizing all concurrent future developments regarding land use, and enabling close collaboration to leverage synergies among the Assets, utilizing both organizational and new technology-based solutions, in order to maximize value for Kuwait Oil Company (KOC).
In North Kuwait Urban Planning is a joint effort between KOC and Shell, with initial focus on establishing an agreement for work methods, effective communications, and protocols with all stakeholders. Next all "as-built" infrastructure and current plans were combined and reviewed. This formed the basis to identify and resolve conflicts, recognize opportunities for reduced land requirements and optimize the development synergies. The approach is underpinned with new technologies, tools, best practices, and concepts like multi-well pad developments, area discounting, exclusion zones, and shared infrastructure and road access corridors, based on global analogue developments.
In this paper example field ‘A’ is discussed as it has stacked reservoirs of shallow heavy oil, intermediate conventional oil and deep, sour gas. It requires significant urban planning focus to avoid conflicts and enable synergies. In field A, the shallow heavy-oil development requires large number of wells in a dense well-spacing versus fewer wells targeting the intermediate-depth conventional oil and deeper gas reservoirs, which requires large "safety zones" around well sites. In both cases, common infrastructure like roads, power distribution, flow line and trunkline corridors also need to be considered jointly.
Urban Planning collaboration between assets with distinct development challenges can help in creating safe co-development opportunities, thus maximizing value for KOC.