Intelligent fault diagnosis using deep learning has achieved much success in recent years. Using deep learning method to diagnose bearing fault requires designing an appropriate neural network model and then train with a massive data. On the one hand, up to now, a variety of neural network structures have been proposed for different diagnostic tasks, but there is a lack of research of unified structure. On the other hand, the fault data of the training neural network are collected from the fault location point, which is quite different from the actual data, because the sensor cannot be located at the fault location point accurately. This paper attempts to design a unified neural network structure based on Resnet and improve the generalization performance by using transfer learning techniques. The effectiveness of the proposed method in this paper is verified using experiment under different working loads and non-fault location point. Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (http://www. which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (, exploring the use of deep learning algorithm to solve different problems has become a hot research issue.Gan et al. 12 used the deep belief network (DBN) to classify the bearing faults, and they found that the diagnostic accuracy was significantly improved compared with the traditional back propagation neural network (BPNN) and support vector machine (SVM) methods. Wei et al. 13 studied and designed the convolutional neural network named Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Wide First-layer Kernels (WDCNN) and Convolution Neural Networks with Training Interference (TICNN) 14 to solve the problem of bearing fault diagnosis under different load conditions. Shao et al. 15 combined with compressed sensing and convolutional deep belief netowrks (CDBN) networks to design a new diagnostic method that can reduce input characteristics. They also use a Gaussian visible unit to improve traditional CDBN, and the performance of the model is significantly improved. Feng et al. 16 developed a framework named deep normalized convolutional neural network (DNCNN) in order to solve the category imbalance problem in fault diagnosis. Pan et al. 17 proposed a LiftingNet framework to solve the problem of hierarchical feature learning under the influence of different speeds and random noise and succeeded in classifying. Szegedy et al. 18 and Chen et al. 19 proposed a deep inception net with atrous convolution (ACDIN) framework based on the structure of InceptionNet, which realized the task of detecting real faults with artificial fault data. Inspired by advanced technology, Zhi et al. 20 improved the capsule network and designed an inception capsule net (ICN) framework. They implemented the task of ...