Abstract. Nineteen years of atmospheric composition measurements
made at the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory (TAO;
43.66∘ N, 79.40∘ W; 174 m a.s.l.) are presented. These
are retrieved from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) solar absorption
spectra recorded with an ABB Bomem DA8 spectrometer from May 2002 to
December 2020. The retrievals have been performed for 14 species:
O3, HCl, HF, HNO3, CH4, C2H6, CO, HCN, N2O,
C2H2, H2CO, CH3OH, HCOOH, and NH3 using the
SFIT4 algorithm. The measurements have been archived in the Network for
the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) data repository in
Hierarchical Data Format version 4 (HDF4) files following the Generic Earth
Observation Metadata Standard (GEOMS) and are also publicly available on
Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository (https://doi.org/10.5683/SP2/VC8JMC, Yamanouchi et al., 2022). In this paper, we describe the
instrumentation, the retrieval strategy, the vertical sensitivity of the
retrievals, the quality assurance process, and the error analysis of the TAO
FTIR measurements and present the current version of the time series.