Acquired tracheobronchial strictures in infants are associated with significant morbidity. Their treatment requires different types of therapeutic procedures depending on the severity and location of the stenosis. We successfully dilated five children (ages between 1 and 23 months) with acquired tracheobronchial (stenoses two carinal and three of the mainstem bronchi) using a new technique. Gruentzig balloon catheters of different caliber were introduced into the tracheal lumen of apneic children under endoscopic vision. Three infants required four dilations and in the other two cases only two procedures were necessary. One complication occurred during dilation and resulted in a pneumothorax caused by a partial bronchial disruption. At follow‐up (range, 18–36 months; mean, 23.4 months) all five children were clinically improved. In the four cases without complications the chest x‐rays were normal and the last bronchoscopy showed tracheobronchial trees with normal calibers. The child who developed a pneumothorax during attempted dilation recovered. In this child, dilation of the right upper lobe bronchus was unsuccessful. Dilation was attempted without visualization of the bronchus and the stricture.
Our limited experience confirms that pneumatic balloon catheters can successfully treat acquired tracheobronchial stenoses in infants. To avoid complications, strict criteria need to be applied in the selection of cases with tracheobronchial stenoses. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1997; 23:101–104. © 1997 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.