Abstract. BLO spaces associated with the sections are introduced. It is shown that some properties which hold for the classical space BLO related to the balls (or cubes) remain valid for the space BLO related to the sections.
IntroductionIn 1980, R. R. Coifman and R. Rochberg [5] introduced the space BLO of functions of bounded lower oscillation. More precisely, we say that a locally integrable function f on R n is in BLO ifwhere In this note, we will introduce the spaces BM O F based on sections as the substitutes for the classical spaces BLO defined by R. R. Coifman and R. Rochberg [5]. We will give out a criterion for the new spaces BLO F . Meanwhile, we will also show that the singular integral operator H * (see Section 2) is bounded from L ∞ into BLO F .
Preliminary resultsIn this section, we first introduce some notation and then state our main results. The analysis of the Monge-Ampère equation suggests the axiomatic definition of what are called 'sections'. These are defined as follows.For x ∈ R n and t > 0, let S(x, t) denote an open and bounded convex set containing x. We call S(x, t) a section if the family {S(x, t) : x ∈ R n , t > 0} is monotone increasing in t, i.e., S(x, t) ⊂ S(x, t ) for t ≤ t , and satisfies the following conditions: