Observed spectra of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) and hydrogen-deficient carbon (HdC) stars are analyzed by synthesizing the C 2 Swan bands (1,0), (0,0), and (0,1) using our detailed line list and the Uppsala model atmospheres. The (0,1) and (0,0) C 2 bands are used to derive the 12 C abundance, and the (1,0) 12 C 13 C band to determine the 12 C/ 13 C ratios. The carbon abundance derived from the C 2 Swan bands is about the same for the adopted models constructed with different carbon abundances over the range: 8.5 (C/He = 0.1%), to 10.5 (C/He = 10%). Carbon abundances derived from C i lines are about a factor of 4 lower than the carbon abundance of the adopted model atmosphere over the same C/He interval, as reported by Asplund et al. (2000), who dubbed the mismatch between adopted and derived C abundance the 'carbon problem'. In principle, the carbon abundances obtained from C 2 Swan bands and that assumed for the model atmosphere can be equated for a particular choice of C/He that varies from star to star. Then, the carbon problem for C 2 bands is eliminated. However, such C/He ratios are in general less than those of the EHe stars, the seemingly natural relatives to the RCB and HdC stars. A more likely solution to the C 2 carbon problem may lie in a modification of the model atmosphere's temperature structure. The derived carbon abundances and the 12 C/ 13 C ratios are discussed in light of the double degenerate (DD) and the final flash (FF) scenarios. Subject headings: Stars -abundances, Isotopic ratio-carbon, evolution of stars cross-dispersed echelle spectrometer (Rao et al. 2005) and a 4K × 4K CCD are at a resolving power of about 30,000.
Spectrum synthesisOur analysis of the high-resolution spectra proceeds by fitting synthetic spectra to the observed spectra in several bandpasses providing lines of the C 2 Swan system. For the synthesis of the C 2 Swan bands, we use model atmospheres and as complete a line list as possible. In the following subsections we introduce the line lists for the C 2 Swan bands and the atomic lines blended with the C 2 bands and, finally, the procedure for computing the synthetic spectra.
The Swan bandsThe C 2 Swan bands are detectable in all but the hottest RCB stars. They are not seen in either V3795 Sgr or XX Cam with effective temperatures of 8000 K and 7250 K, respectively. In our sample, they are first detectable in VZ Sgr at T eff = 7000 K. The bands are very strong in the coolest RCB stars like U Aqr and the HdC stars. The leading bands of the three sequences: ∆ν = +1, 0, and -1 are each considered. All bands have blue-degraded bandheads. The (0,0) band of the 12 C 2 molecule with its head at 5165Å is the strongest band of the entire Swan system. The (1,0) and (0,1) bandheads are at 4737Å and 5636Å, respectively. All three bands are synthesized using detailed line lists including the blending atomic lines and appropriate model atmospheres. The (1,0), (0,0), and (0,1) 12 C 2 bands are used to determine the C abundance and, hence, to assess the carbon problem. The (0,1) band is...