Resonant optical second-harmonic and sum-frequency generation are applied to probe electronic transitions at the Ca-terminated epitaxial CaF2/Si(l 11) interface. A band gap of 2.4 eV is established for the interface states, a value twice as large as that in bulk Si, but only j of the band gap in CaF2. The experimental three-wave-mixing spectra can be modeled by a two-dimensional band gap and a narrow resonance 150 meV below the band edge, the latter being tentatively assigned to a transition to a bound two-dimensional exciton.PACS 42.65.Ma, Understanding the nature of solid/solid interfaces is an area of great fundamental and practical importance. The characteristics of interfaces strongly influence the behavior of electronic devices with small dimensions and are critical in determining the morphology of thin-film growth, particularly in the case of epitaxial structures. Fully developed buried interfaces present difficulties for analysis: The unique features of the interface are present only in a few atomic layers of material, but the interfacial region will generally be covered by an overlayer of many times this thickness. Consequently, many of the sensitive and highly developed techniques appropriate for surfaces may not be suitable for this interesting class of problems. In this Letter, we present the first application of three-wave-mixing spectroscopy to the problem of solid/solid interfaces. The method is purely optical and can, because of its large probing depth, be used to investigate buried interfaces. It relies on the second-order nonlinear optical processes of second-harmonic and sum-frequency generation. These effects are forbidden (within the electric-dipole approximation) in centrosymmetric media and, hence, exhibit a high degree of sensitivity to interfaces, where the inversion symmetry must be broken. l The technique has been previously employed in studies of the electronic 2,3 and vibrational 4,5 spectra of molecular monolayers. Here we report for three-wave-mixing spectroscopy of the epitaxial interface of CaF2/Si(l 11). This material system 6 " 12 has recently attracted considerable attention as a prototype of a well-controlled semiconductor/insulator interface, as well as for its potential technological importance. The resonant second-harmonic and sum-frequency spectra presented in this work permit a value for the previously unknown interface band gap to be established directly. The observed energy difference of 2.4 eV between the filled and empty interface states stands in marked contrast to the band gaps of the bulk Si (1.1 eV) and CaF2 (12.1 eV), indicating the distinctive nature of the interfacial region.The three-wave-mixing spectra for the CaF2/Si(lll) interface were obtained by exposing the sample to laser radiation from a tunable source. The intensity of the reflected light at the second-harmonic (SH) frequency was measured as a function of wavelength. Sumfrequency (SF) data were collected for mixing of the tunable source with the light from a laser operating at a fixed frequency. Tuna...