Plates with periodic cavities show excellent vibration attenuation characteristics. This behavior can be attributed to the presence of frequency bandgaps on account of interference between the incident wave and the reflected wave from the cavities. The present work investigates the vibration attenuation/bandgap characteristics of plates with varying shapes of periodic cavities, such as square, circular, vertical rectangle, and horizontal rectangle, through experiments and simulation. Vibration responses of different periodic plates have been studied by carrying out frequency sweep on a vibration shaker. The investigation has been restricted to flexural vibrations of the plates, which are the predominant mode of vibration in many practical vibration scenarios. The frequency bandgaps, observed through the experiment, have been compared with the numerical simulation by harmonic analysis and by carrying out dispersion analysis on a unit cell of the periodic structure using Floquet–Bloch theory. Dispersion curves of the periodic plates yielded bandgaps, which were observed to be in agreement with the bandgaps from the experiment. The effect of variation in the aspect ratio of the cavities, that is length-to-width ratio, on the bandgaps has also been examined. It has been demonstrated that by suitable selection of the shape/size of the periodic cavity, desired vibration attenuation bandgaps can be realized for a 2-dimensional structure.