CV 1979-2016 General practitioner, Gandrup, Denmark 1985-1990 Member of "The GP group for health policy in Northern Jutland". Design, implementation, and evaluation of the pre-study 1987-88 1989-Clinical lecturer in programmes for general practitioners and medical students, Aarhus, Copenhagen, and Aalborg University 1998-2000 Design and implementation of "Preventive health consultations in general practice for 20-44-year-olds" Explanations and abbreviations Explanations BMI: Body Mass Index (body weight in kg)/ (height in metres) 2 SF-36: 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, a generic score system of general health. SF-12: 12-Item Short Form Health Survey, a generic score system of general health. SRGH: Self-rated global health is used in this study: subjective overall assessment of health answering the non-comparative question: "How is (or: do you consider) your health in general/ all in all?" answered on a five-point Likert scale. SRH: When used in this thesis citing other studies, SRH most often refers to the comparative question: "How do you rate your health compared to others at your age?" or "compared to one year ago". In other studies, SHR is used as the above-mentioned non-comparative question, SRGH. SES: Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or a group, often measured as a combination of education, income, and occupation.