This research delves into the intricate relationship between technological advancement and international trade dynamics in Bangladesh, a nation experiencing a burgeoning number of internet users and technological immersion. Analyzing data from a sample of 25 firms across diverse sectors, the study unveiled a potent correlation between technological adoption and firm growth. Notably, large firms in the Ready-Made Garments (RMG) and IT sectors demonstrated pronounced technological integration, positively influencing their trade growth. In contrast, the agriculture (AGRI) sector presented unique challenges, with medium and small enterprises perceiving technological assimilation as a significant barrier. Regression analyses reinforced technological adoption as a paramount determinant of growth, elucidating approximately 91.2% of the variance in firm growth rates. Despite the overarching positive trajectory, the research underscores variances in technological impact across sectors and firm sizes. Conclusively, while technology emerges as a catalyst for growth in Bangladesh's international trade, its uniform adoption and consequent benefits necessitate tailored strategies and infrastructural enhancements.