Summary:We examined the effects of secobarbital and other sedative-hypnotic barbiturates on the neuronal death induced by exposure to excitatory amino acids or deprivation of oxygen or glucose in mouse cortical cell cultures. N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate, and kainate toxicities were attenuated in a concentration-dependent fashion by high concentrations of secobarbital or thiopen tal. Antagonism of NMDA toxicity was not overcome by increasing NMDA concentration and not mimicked by ,),-aminobutyrate. Despite these antiexcitotoxic actions, secobarbital exacerbated the neuronal death induced byBarbiturates are used clinically as sedatives, an esthetics, and anticonvulsants and have long been of interest as a method for reducing hypoxic ischemic brain injury. Twenty-five year ago, these drugs were found to prolong the survival of mice breathing 5% oxygen better than several other an esthetic agents (Wilhjelm and Arnfred, 1965). Sub sequently, high doses of barbiturates have been demonstrated to provide brain protection in several