Extreme weather events often cause the input of fresh plant tissues into soils in forests. However, the interspecific patterns of tree fresh plant tissue-leached dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics are poorly understood. In this study, we collected fresh leaves and twigs of two broadleaf trees (Liquidambar formosana and Schima superba) and two coniferous trees (Pinus massoniana and Pinus elliottii) in subtropical plantations in China, and measured tree fresh tissue-leached DOM quantity and biodegradability. The interspecific patterns of fresh plant tissue-leached DOM production varied with organ types. Broadleaf tree leaves leached greater amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved total nitrogen (DTN), and dissolved total phosphorus (DTP) than coniferous tree leaves, but an opposite pattern of DOC and DTN productions was observed between broadleaf and coniferous tree twigs. Regardless of tree species, leaves often leached greater quantities of DOC, DTN, and DTP than twigs. For both leaves and twigs, broadleaf tree tissue-leached DOM had greater aromaticity and lower biodegradability than coniferous tree tissue-leached DOM. Moreover, leaf-leached DOM had greater aromaticity and lower biodegradability than twig-leached DOM. In addition, DOM biodegradability negatively correlated with the initial aromaticity and DOC:DTN ratio, despite no relationship between DOM biodegradability and DOC:DTP ratio. These findings highlight the pivotal roles of leaf habit and organ type in regulating fresh tree tissue-leached DOM production and biodegradability and reveal that the substantial variations of fresh tissue-leached DOM biodegradability are co-driven by DOM aromaticity and N availability in subtropical plantations in China.