In this study, sorghum grains were malted using different malting regimens and the malt qualities were analysed for cold water extract (CWE), hot water extract (HWE) and diastatic power (DP). Results showed that malting regimen produced sorghum malts with peak CWE, HWE and DP within the pre‐determined limits of malting regimen. From this, predictive models of sorghum malt quality were developed and tested. Whilst steeping duration interacts significantly with the germination period to cause variations in CWE and HWE, only the germination period significantly influenced the DP of sorghum malts. However, the kilning temperature showed no significant impact on the parameters studied. Besides CWE, HWE and DP correlating positively with each other, the developed predictive models were significant (P < 0.05) and satisfy the quality of fit (R2 > 0.70) of the proposed models. The result demonstrated that wort for different purposes can be obtained by varying the malting operational conditions in the predictive model, thus saving time, resources, preliminary studies and research designs. Besides the promotion of a cheaper local alternative material for industrial wort production and brewing purpose, this research provides valuable insight on the brilliant prospect of variable malting regimen in predicting and adjusting the quality characteristics of sorghum malt and wort. Future studies are required to develop models for wort produced from peak CWE, HWE and DP, for predicting wort quality characteristics.