High levels of inbreeding cause populations to become composed of homozygous, inbred lines. High levels of homozygosity limit the effectiveness of recombination, and therefore, retard the rate of decay of linkage (gametic phase) disequilibrium (LD) among mutations. Inbreeding and recombination interact to shape the expected pattern of LD. The actual extent of nucleotide sequence level LD within inbreeding species has only been studied in Arabidopsis, a weedy species whose global range has recently expanded. In the present study, we examine the levels of LD within and between 18 nuclear genes in 25 accessions from across the geographic range of wild barley, a species with a selfing rate of Ϸ98%. In addition to examination of intralocus LD, we employ a resampling method to determine whether interlocus LD exceeds expectations. We demonstrate that, for the majority of wild barley loci, intralocus LD decays rapidly, i.e., at a rate similar to that observed in the outcrossing species, Zea mays (maize). Excess interlocus LD is observed at 15% of two-locus combinations; almost all interlocus LD involves loci with significant geographic structuring of mutational variation.nucleotide polymorphism ͉ population structure ͉ Wall's B ͉ interlocus linkage disequilibrium ͉ inbreeding U nder recurrent self-fertilization, the level of heterozygosity decays at the rate of one-half per locus, per generation (1). Thus, within a few generations a self-fertilizing population is expected to be entirely composed of a collection of homozygous lines. An important consequence of this mating system is an extreme reduction in the rate of effective recombination. Consequently, the decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) will be arrested. This expectation has generally been borne out in studies of natural populations; within-population levels of LD for isozyme polymorphisms are generally higher in populations of self-fertilizing plants than in outcrossers (2, 3). Many plant species have a mixed mating system with a mixture of outcrossing and self-fertilization, where occasional outcross events produce new heterozygous lines, that within a few generations, sort out into homozygous lines (4). Under this scenario, LD decays at a rate that is a function not only of recombination distance but also the level of outcrossing (5-7).It has long been argued that the evolutionary potential of predominantly self-fertilizing species is limited by both reduced genetic diversity and a reduction in potential for effective recombination (e.g., refs. 8 and 9, reviewed in ref. 10). Recombinational potential is important because linkage drag, where selection acts on the net fitness of advantageous and disadvantageous mutations that are in LD with one another, both retards the rate of fixation of advantageous mutations and leads to the fixation of deleterious mutations. Despite the theoretical possibility of linkage drag, many of our most important crops, such as wheat, barley, beans, and tomatoes, are predominantly selffertilizing species. Therefore, the empirical me...