Birds that fly over mountain barriers must be capable of meeting the increased energetic cost of climbing in low-density air, even though less oxygen may be available to support their metabolism. This challenge is magnified by the reduction in maximum sustained climbing rates in large birds. Bar-headed geese (Anser indicus) make one of the highest and most iconic transmountain migrations in the world. We show that those populations of geese that winter at sea level in India are capable of passing over the Himalayas in 1 d, typically climbing between 4,000 and 6,000 m in 7-8 h. Surprisingly, these birds do not rely on the assistance of upslope tailwinds that usually occur during the day and can support minimum climb rates of 0.8-2.2 km·h −1 , even in the relative stillness of the night. They appear to strategically avoid higher speed winds during the afternoon, thus maximizing safety and control during flight. It would seem, therefore, that bar-headed geese are capable of sustained climbing flight over the passes of the Himalaya under their own aerobic power.exercise physiology | high altitude | satellite tracking | vertebrate migration | climbing flight M ountains and high plateaus present formidable obstacles to the migratory flights of a number of bird species. Large birds, such as cranes and geese, may find such barriers particularly challenging as the sustained climbing rates of birds scale negatively with increasing body mass (1). For example, brent geese (Branta bernicla) are unable to sustain climbing flights over the Greenland icecap (summit elevation 3,207 m, mean elevation >2,000 m) and make regular stops to recover, possibly from partly anaerobic flights (2). Nevertheless, populations of bar-headed geese (Anser indicus) that spend the winter at sea level in India and the summer in central Asia must perform the world's steepest migratory flight north over the highest mountain range on earth, the Himalaya (3). There, most passes are at altitudes greater than 5,000 m, where the air density and partial pressure of oxygen are only about half of those at sea level. As a consequence, the partial pressure of oxygen (PO 2 ) in the arterial blood may begin to limit maximum performance (4, 5), although negative effects on the rate of oxygen diffusion may be partially ameliorated by an increase in the gas diffusion coefficient (6). The thinner air at these higher altitudes will also reduce lift generation during flapping flight for any given air speed, thus increasing the energy costs of flying by around 30% (7,8).However, bar-headed geese have adapted in a variety of ways for living and flying at high altitudes (4, 5). Their skeletal and cardiac muscles are better supplied with oxygen, having greater capillary density, more homogenous capillary spacing, a higher proportion of mitochondria in a subsarcolemmal location, and a greater proportion of oxidative fibers than other waterfowl (9, 10). Bar-headed goose hemoglobin is also highly effective at oxygen loading (11), compared with many other bird species, largel...