Autorizo a reprodução e divulgação total ou parcial deste trabalho, por qualquer meio convencional ou eletrônico, para fins de estudo e pesquisa, desde que citada a fonte. The increased consumption of fructose in recent decades is closely associated with the higher incidence of obesity, metabolic syndrome and associated comorbidities, such as Dyslipidemia, Dysautonomia, and diabetes. However, the literature does not present temporal characterization of the events that occur until the establishment of the diseases. On this basis, this work aims to evaluate the temporal autonomic and metabolic changes in metabolic syndrome model induced by fructose overload, with emphasis on the role of the baroreflex, here tested using sinoaortic denervation. Additionally, we intend to identify in this model, if autonomic changes precede or follow the metabolic changes. Four experimental groups were used (rats), followed by 90 days: control (C), treated with fructose (F), sinoaortic denervated (D) and denervated treated with fructose (DF). Fructose overload was performed using drinking water solution (10%). Blood pressure recording was performed via radio telemetry for 13 weeks. Fructose was able to promote development of metabolic syndrome, causing blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and abdominal fat increase and changing lipid profile (from the seventh week to thirteenth week of treatment).
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP)PreparadaAutonomic changes, characterized by increased cardiac and peripheral sympathetic modulation, occurred in the second week of Protocol. Fructose group presented changes of renal function and inflammation. The baroreflex seems to participate in the changes induced by fructose during the development of the metabolic syndrome, since his absence determines changes in various metabolic parameters in addition to the expected hemodynamic. Additionally, fructose treatment induced late functional impairment of blood pressure reflex control. Based on our results we can conclude that the changes in autonomic control precede and probably contribute to the metabolic changes induced by the excessive consumption of fructose.Descriptors: autonomic nervous system diseases; metabolic syndrome X;inflammation; blood pressure; fructose; sympathetic nervous system; baroreflex. (ELLIOTT et al., 2002;STANHOPE et al., 2015).
Relação de figuras
Relação de tabelasExperimentalmente, um modelo simples para indução de SM é através de ração comercial rica em frutose (60%) (HWANG et al., 1987) ou adicionando frutose na água de beber (10 a 20%) (DAI & MCNEILL, 1995). Animais que são tratados com frutose, independentemente da via de administração, apresentam distúrbios semelhantes aqueles encontrados na SM, como resistência à insulina, aumento dos triglicerídeos e da insulina plasmática e hipertensão (YOSHIDA et al., 2003;BRITO et al., 2008;ARAUJO et al., 2015).Nesse contexto, nosso grupo tem trabalhado com animais tratados com frutose, demonstrando diversas alterações autonômicas, como menor atividade va...