Nine units of carbonate rocks are recognized, of which the highest five units are examined here under biostratigraphical and chemostratigraphical aspects in order to infer mid-Cretaceous OAE intervals in Punta China section, Baja California. The biota in Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 show low diversity, while Unit 9 is characterized by a high diversity of microfossils. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage and rudist genera identified in Unit 9 indicate a lower Albian age. Lithofacies and fossil assemblages suggest that the depositional environment was a shallow marine shelf or platform adjacent to caprinid buildups. The limestones of the Alisitos Formation show both negative and positive δ 13 C values that range between −0.9 and + 7.5‰. Large variations in δ 18 O values are noticed in the limestone units (−7.9 to −2.2‰). The 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios of the bulk limestone samples vary between 0.706662 and 0.707305. Most of the limestones have lower 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratios that may be the result of inclusion of less radiogenic strontium from the volcanic rocks. One limestone sample from Unit 7 has a relatively pristine 87 Sr/ 86 Sr ratio (0.707305) whose numerical age is 111.61 Ma. The carbon-isotope curve reveals the presence of two episodes of oceanic anoxic subevents in the studied section. The lower part of Unit 9 has significant negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) that correlated with the Paquier subevent. Similarly, another negative CIE is also observed in the upper part of Unit 9, which suggests a correlation with Leenhardt subevent.