Introduction. Applying for supervision is especially relevant in modern conditions of uncertainty in a transitive society, which require psychologists to improve their professional skills. The demand for the online supervision format is also increasing, which is noted as more convenient and accessible compared to the offline form. During our works review, it was found that obtaining supervision is a significant factor in the formation of identity and professional development of novice psychologists-practitioners.Purpose. Determination of the influence of online supervision on the identity formation of a consulting psychologist and the development of his professional qualities and competencies.Materials and methods. In this study 280 respondents, beginning psychologists, took part as respondents. We applied the author’s questionnaire aimed at studying the experience of obtaining online supervision from entrant psychologists and practitioners and also to identifying barriers to obtaining it. The Methodology of Professional Identity Measuring (MPIM) made it possible to assess professional identity formation. Empirical data were processed using the Student’s t-test.Results. The types of identity of practising psychologists who apply and do not apply for online supervision were identified. It is shown that most practising psychologists, who rarely or never apply for online supervision, have a diffuse type of identity. For practising psychologists who regularly visit a supervisor, the predominant type of professional identity is “achieved”.Discussion and conclusion. During the analysis of works, it was found that applying for supervision, including in an online format, allows a practising psychologist to improve professional qualities and competencies effectively and is a significant determinant of professionalism formation and the achieved professional identity.