Learning innovation can be done one of them through learning media.In the last two years, podcasts have become a medium that is being discussed by many parties, including academics. Seeing these opportunities, this research tries to develop learning innovations through podcasts as learning media. The chosen theme is "sexual harassment in the campus environment". Data was collected using a questionnaire on 196 students in the city of Surabaya after the Podcast was aired. Data were analyzed based on the results of the questionnaire with an assessment of 5 = very good, 4 = good, 3 = enough, 2 = less, and 1 = very poor. Based on the results and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that the development of learning media through Podcasts can attract the attention of students in the city of Surabaya during the learning process. This is assessed by students when the Podcast; 1) not boring, 2) current topics, 3) material for discussion, 4) add knowledge, and 5) stimulate critical thinking. Besides that, it can also be used as a medium in social studies learning through social issues that are being discussed. It is hoped that the idea of developing learning media through podcasts can be integrated into other learning.