Conflito de interesses:Não Contribuição dos autores: PFC Coleta, tabulação de dados, delineamento do estudo, discussão dos achados e elaboração do manuscrito. LDA Coleta, tabulação de dados, delineamento do estudo, discussão dos achados e elaboração do manuscrito. NML Orientação do projeto, delineamento do estudo e elaboração do manuscrito. TSS coleta, tabulação, delineamento do estudo e redação do manuscrito. FHAM delineamento do estudo. JTMP delineamento do estudo e elaboração do manuscrito. VDAP orientação do projeto, delineamento do estudo e elabo-ração do manuscrito. HSPP discussão dos achados, etapas de execução e elaboração do manuscrito. SMTN orientação do projeto, delineamento do estudo e elaboração do manuscrito Descritores: Assistência Integral à Saúde; Alta do Paciente; Aconselhamento Diretivo.
Abstract Introduction:The conception of the National Health System pursued the development of a work through comprehensive care, prevention, recovery, research, and health education. The length of hospital stay and immobility in bed may affect the respiratory muscle strength and the functional capacity of patients. A multidisciplinary team can interfere positively in the functional prognosis. The early patient discharge encourages the rehabilitation, which requires knowledge of many professionals and emphasizes the functioning of the interdisciplinary team for the continuity of care and disease prevention. Objective: Identify the importance of the guidelines carried out at hospitals after discharge on the patient's understanding about his health in order to decrease hospital-ization and maintenance of patient care at home through discharge planning.Patients and Method: Study conducted at a teaching hospital located in the city of São José do Rio Preto with 88 adults or elderly readmitted to the outpatient clinics. The study was conducted through data collection from medical records, and a questionnaire was applied to characterize the patients. Results: In this study, 71% of the patients reported that they were not referred to outpatient rehabilitation and 90% of them were not referred to rehabilitation centers; 51% received rehabilitation team guidelines before discharge in their last hospitalization. Of these, 67% followed the given guidelines. Conclusion: There is a significant importance in monitoring the multidisciplinary team during the hospital discharge process through guidelines and referrals based upon the premise of integrality. The lack of these activities cre-ates a lack of knowledge and skills in caring, which can lead to possible secondary complications and new readmissions.