A period of great transformation is under way in higher education. The study described difficulties and problems encountered before, during and after the implantation of ISO 9001:2015 of state universities in Region 3. The study used qualitative thematic analysis. A total of 3 State University and Colleges (SUCs) or 25 respondents were surveyed. The researcher utilized a written open-ended questionnaire through online. All transcripts were saved, recorded and analyzed. Results show that before the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, the following difficulties and problems encountered were the planning phase requirements, unpleasant feeling during preparation work management for document and procedures and difficulty in communication. Additionally, during the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, the following difficulties and problems encountered were the compliance requirements, response to change, task management, and insufficient resources. Lastly, results show that after the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, the following difficulties and problems encountered were still recurring difficulties and problems. Overall, the researcher concluded that all SUCs had experienced difficulties or challenges before, during, and after the implementation of ISO 9001:2015. Before a state university or college implement the ISO 9001:2015 certification, the Quality Assurance management should give a thorough orientation to all the persons in-charge like Document Control Officers, Document Control Coordinators, and all Program Heads. Orientation should not only end with information dissemination but also preparation of required documents and processes. During the implementation, it also recommended to have capacity building to all persons-in-charge to take their responsibility will full acceptance of the changes that are happening especially when encountering difficulties or problems. After the ISO 9001:2015 implementation, it is recommended that program evaluation must be utilized proactively to be able to address risk and opportunities of the implementation so that recurring difficulties and problems will be lessened.
I.The intricate make-up of change system requires the interplaying of prevailing approaches of change