Chronic diseases are disproportionately high among African Americans, often caused by social determinants of health (e.g., access to physical activity opportunities), as stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Several studies have examined practices and policies of shared-use in school-based and other settings. There is still a gap in the literature regarding how faith-based shared-use programs, practices, and policies are implemented in a virtual or hybrid setting. This evaluation reviewed program activities and partnerships and assessed program needs for quality improvement. Focus groups ( n = 2) were conducted with program participants and site coordinators from five faith-based shared-use sites. A 12-question discussion guide was developed based on topics of interest predetermined by the project team to understand participant perceptions about participation, satisfaction, and recommendations. Focus group audio recordings were transcribed verbatim and reviewed using thematic analysis. The evaluators reviewed transcripts separately to confirm final coding and ensured intercoder reliability. The analysis yielded six themes and eight subthemes. Findings indicated that the program was rewarding and achievable, with suggestions for improvement. Social support was developed as a result of the program, health improvements were observed by participants, and networked partnerships were formed to promote health and wellness. The virtual platform presented limited access; therefore, adopting a hybrid approach could offer greater flexibility and reach broader audiences. It may be helpful for public health agencies to partner with faith-based organizations to jointly open their facilities. Agencies, like local health departments, may consider establishing agreements to expand shared-use to local faith-based settings.