Background: Inflammatory lesions and cysts are the most common Bartholin glands pathologic diagnoses. There have been very few reports of benign solid lesions of Bartholin glands such as nodular hyperplasia. Materials and methods: Thirty-two lesions diagnosed as Bartholin duct cyst in the gynecologic specialized institute were reviewed by two expert gynecological pathologists. Results: Using specific criteria, 7 qualified as nodular hyperplasia, 25 as Bartholin duct cyst. The average age of the patients with nodular hyperplasia was 31 years (range, 24 to 43). These lesions were solid, solid and cystic or purely cystic, had a mean maximal dimension of 3.3 cm, and were frequently thought to be Bartholin cysts on clinical examination. Four lesions were diagnosed as Bartholin duct cysts, while in the review they were considered as nodular hyperplasia. Conclusion: Nodular hyperplasia of Bartholin gland may be more common than is reported in the literature. This study showed that the diagnosis of nodular hyperplasia has been overlooked due to limited literature sources.