Magnetotactic bacteria orient and migrate along geomagnetic field lines. Each cell contains membrane-enclosed, nano-scale, iron-mineral particles called magnetosomes that cause alignment of the cell in the geomagnetic field as the bacteria swim propelled by flagella. In this work we studied the ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus in many-celled magnetotactic prokaryotes (MMP) that consist of several Gram-negative cells arranged radially around an acellular compartment. Flagella covered the organism surface, and were observed exclusively at the portion of each cell that faced the environment. The flagella were helical tubes never as long as a complete turn of the helix. Flagellar filaments varied in length from 0.9 to 3.8 micro m (average 2.4 +/- 0.5 micro m, n = 150) and in width from 12.0 to 19.5 nm (average 15.9 +/- 1.4 nm, n = 52), which is different from previous reports for similar microorganisms. At the base of the flagella, a curved hook structure slightly thicker than the flagellar filaments was observed. In freeze-fractured samples, macromolecular complexes about 50 nm in diameter, which possibly corresponded to part of the flagella basal body, were observed in both the P-face of the cytoplasmic membrane and the E-face of the outer membrane. Transmission electron microscopy showed that magnetosomes occurred in planar groups in the cytoplasm close and parallel to the organism surface. A striated structure, which could be involved in maintaining magnetosomes fixed in the cell, was usually observed running along magnetosome chains. The coordinated movement of the MMP depends on the interaction between the flagella of each cell with the flagella of adjacent cells of the microorganism.