Understanding magma fragmentation mechanisms in explosive eruptions is a key requirement for volcanic hazard assessment, eruption management and risk mitigation. This paper focuses on a type case small explosivity eruption (July-August 2015 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise). These eruptions, despite being often overlooked, are exceedingly frequent on local-to-global scales and constitute a significant hazard in vent-proximal areas, which are often populated by guides, tourists and, indeed, volcanologists due to their accessibility. The explosions presented here are ideal cases for the study of the dynamics of magma fragmentation and how it relates to the size distribution of scoria generated at the vent. We documented these events visually and thermally, and characterised the products through sample-return. This allowed us to describe small-scale gas bursts sending ejecta up to 30 m during intermittent lava fountains. Surface tension instabilities and inertial forces played a major role in fragmentation processes and generated particles with coarse-skewed distributions and median diameters ranging from − 8 to − 10 ϕ. However, with time distributions of particles in the most energetic fountains shifted towards more symmetrical shapes as median grains sizes became finer. Analyses of sequences of images demonstrate that the evolution of particle size distributions with time is due to instability of magma droplets and (in-flight) fragmentation. Mafic explosive volcanism is traditionally overlooked with respect to more energetic, higher intensity and destructive silicic volcanism. Several events in the last years (Kilauea 1 , Mount Etna 2 have however demonstrated that significant hazard is associated with such low intensity basaltic eruptions 3,4 and the dynamics and impact of mafic explosive events has been the subject of several studies 5-11. These studies have highlighted that accurate assessment of the hazard associated with mafic explosive activity requires greater understanding of the volcanic events from precursory activity to fragmentation and pyroclast accumulation and sedimentation. Mafic magma fragmentation shows a large variability, ranging from poorly to highly efficient. Poorly efficient fragmentation in low intensity eruptions (i.e. those not driven by significant gas overpressure) relates to the formation of large bomb-sized fragments (smaller median phi) which fall around the vent, and, if accumulation rates are high (and clast cooling rates low) are capable of coalescing into spatter-fed lava flows which collect most of the fragmented magma 12-14. More efficient fragmentation, typical of the moderate intensity Strombolian and violent Strombolian explosions (or transitional regimes 15-17 produces lapilli to ash-sized fragments which either form scoria cones, or plumes which settle forming tephra-fall deposits or disperse in the atmosphere 7,18,19. In the high intensity Plinian and Subplinian eruptions, fragmentation is highly efficient resulting in total grain size distributions (TGSD) that are simi...