A deep result of Voisin asserts that the Griffiths group of a general non-rigid Calabi-Yau (CY) 3-fold is infinitely generated. This theorem builds on an earlier method of hers which was implemented by Albano and Collino to prove the same result for a general cubic sevenfold. In fact, Voisin's method can be utilized precisely because the variation of Hodge structure on a cubic 7-fold behaves just like the variation of Hodge structure of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold. We explain this relationship concretely using Kontsevitch's noncommutative geometry. Namely, we show that for a cubic 7-fold, there is a noncommutative CY 3-fold which has an isomorphic Griffiths group. This serves as partial confirmation of seminal work of Candelas, Derrick, and Parkes describing a cubic 7-fold as a mirror to a rigid CY 3-fold.Similarly, one can consider other examples of Fano manifolds with with the same type of variation of Hodge structure as a Calabi-Yau threefold (FCYs). Among the complete intersections in weighted projective spaces, there are only three classes of smooth FCY manifolds; the cubic 7-fold X 3 , the fivefold quartic double solid X 4 , and the fivefold intersection of a quadric and a cubic X 2.3 . We settle the two remaining cases, following Voisin's method to demonstrate that the Griffiths group for a general complete intersection FCY manifolds, X 4 and X 2.3 , is also infinitely generated.Received December 11, 2012.
David Favero, Atanas Iliev and Ludmil KatzarkovIn the case of X 4 , we also show that there is a noncommutative CY 3-fold with an isomorphic Griffiths group. Finally, for X 2.3 there is a noncommutative CY 3-fold, B, such that the Griffiths group of X 2.3 surjects on to the Griffiths group of B. We finish by discussing some examples of noncommutative covers which relate our noncommutative CYs back toq honest algebraic varieties such as products of elliptic curves and K3-surfaces.