Let K be a field and denote by K[t], the polynomial ring with coefficients in K. Set A = K[f1, . . . , fs], with f1, . . . , fs ∈ K [t]. We give a procedure to calculate the monoid of degrees of the K algebra M = F1A + • • • + FrA with F1, . . . , Fr ∈ K [t]. We show some applications to the problem of the classification of plane polynomial curves (that is, plane algebraic curves parametrized by polynomials) with respect to some oh their invariants, using the module of Kähler differentials. 2 A. ABBAS, A. ASSI, AND P. A. GARC ÍA-S ÁNCHEZ
Numerical semigroups and ideals2.1. Numerical semigroups. Let S be a subset of N. The set S is a submonoid of N if the following holds:(1) 0 ∈ S, (2) If a, b ∈ S then a + b ∈ S. Clearly, {0} and N are submonoids of N. Also, if S contains a nonzero element a, then da ∈ S for all d ∈ N, and in particular, S is an infinite set.Let S be a submonoid of N and let G be the subgroup of Z generated by S (that is,If 1 ∈ G, then we say that S is a numerical semigroup. This is equivalent to the condition that N \ S is a finite set.We set G(S) = N \ S and we call it the set of gaps of S. We denote by g(S) the cardinality of G(S), and we call g(S) the genus of S. We set F(S) = max(G(S)) and we call it the Frobenius number of S. We also define C(S) = F(S) + 1 and we call it the conductor of S. The least positive integer of S, m(S) = inf(S \ {0} is known as the multiplicity of S.Even though any numerical semigroup has infinitely many elements, it can be described by means of finitely many of them. The rest can be obtained as linear combinations with nonnegative integer coefficients from these finitely many.Let S be a numerical semigroup and let A ⊆ S. We say that S is generated by A and we write S = A if for all s ∈ S, there exist a 1 , . . . , a r ∈ A and λ 1 , . . . , λ r ∈ N such that a = r i=1 λ i a i . Every numerical semigroup S is finitely generated, that is, S = A with A ⊆ S and A is a finite set.Let n ∈ S * . We define the Apéry set of S with respect to n, denoted Ap(S, n), to be the setLet S be a numerical semigroup and let n ∈ S * . For all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, let w(i) be the smallest element of S such that w(i) ≡ i mod n. Then Ap(S, n) = {0, w(1), . . . , w(n − 1)}.Furthermore, S = n, w(1), . . . , w(n − 1) .We will be interested in a special class of numerical semigroups, namely free numerical semigroups. The definition is as follows.Definition 2.1. Let S = r 0 , r 1 , . . . , r h be a numerical semigroup, and let d i+1 = gcd(r 0 , r 1 , . . . , r i ) for all i ∈ {0, . . . , h} (in particular d 1 = r 0 and d h+1 = 1) and e i = d i d i+1 for all i ∈ {1, . . . , h}. We say that S is free for the arrangement (r 0 , . . . , r h ) if the following conditions hold:(1)(2) e i r i ∈ r 0 , . . . , r i−1 for all i ∈ {1, . . . , h}.Note that the notion of freeness depends on the arrangement of the generators. For example, S = 4, 6, 13 is free for the arrangement (4, 6, 13) but it is not free for the arrangement (13,4,6). Note also that if S = r 0 , r 1 , . . . , r h is free with respect to the...