Following a series of works on capital growth investment, we analyse log-optimal portfolios where the return evaluation includes 'weights' of different outcomes. The results are twofold: (A) under certain conditions, the logarithmic growth rate leads to a supermartingale, and (B) the optimal (martingale) investment strategy is a proportional betting. We focus on properties of the optimal portfolios and discuss a number of simple examples extending the well-known Kelly betting scheme.An important restriction is that the investment does not exceed the current capital value and allows the trader to cover the worst possible losses.The paper deals with a class of discrete-time models. A continuous-time extension is a topic of an ongoing study.
A Markovian model with a single risky assetThis paper is an initial part of a work on log-optimal portfolios influenced by a number of earlier publications, mainly by T. Cover and co-authors. Cf. Refs [1,3] and [4], Chapter 6. Also see [10,12,18] and Ref [11], Parts II and III. We also intend to use a recent progress in studying weighted entropies; cf. [14,15,16,17]. A strong impact on the whole direction of this research was made by [8,9] where a powerful methodology of a convex analysis has been developed (and elegantly presented) in a general form, leading -among other achievements -to existence of log-optimal portfolios. See Theorem 1 from [9]. In the present article, we attempt to go beyond the issue of existence and provide a specific form of the optimal strategy.Let us discuss a finance-related context of this work. The sequential version of portfolio selection problem has received much attention in the literature not to speak about the financial practice, see [10,12,11,18] and the references therein. A simple discrete-time model of a wide use in financial engineering is where the market consists of one riskless asset and one or more risky assets. (If the riskless asset produces a zero return, we can speak of risky assets only.) Investments are made at times n − 1 = 0, 1, . . .; the returns are recorded at subsequent times n = 1, 2, . . ..We consider two investment schemes, showing that the results are valid for both schemes mutatis mutandis.Scheme I: an investor signs a deal with a broker at the time n − 1 but the actual transaction happens at the moment n when the betting results become available.Scheme II: at the moment n − 1 an investor transfers the required capital to a broker who invests this capital to buy shares or other risky assets.In fact, Scheme II can be treated as a version of Scheme I, where the number of assets increases by 1.