Acupuncture has become a common complementary and alternative treatment approach for anxiety and depression. However, there is little research on the detailed mechanism of acupuncture therapy relieving depression. Previously, 17β-estradiol (E2) was shown to prevent oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. This study investigated whether stimulation of Sanyinjiao (SP6) using a mechanical acupuncture instrument can alleviate depression-like behavior caused by estrogen deficiency in OVX rats. Furthermore, we found that acupuncture reduced ER stress and oxidative stress-related proteins expression.
The OVX operation was performed on female SD rats that were separated into four groups: The E2 (2.5 μg/kg, i.p.) injection group (OVX + E2), the OVX group (OVX), and the OVX with acupuncture stimulation group (OVX + SP6). Non-acupoint stimulation group (OVX + NonAcu). The acupuncture point stimulation began three weeks after surgery. The depressive behavior was analyzed by the forced swim test and open field test. The 8-OHDG, BiP, Sigma receptor 1, pJNK, PDI, Ero1-Iα and Calnexin protein levels were evaluated by immunoreactivity in the amygdala.
Acupuncture stimulation reduced depressive behavior and altered depression-related proteins. Stimulation of SP6 decreased the immobility time of the FST and altered the ER stress and oxidative stress marker proteins, such as 8-OHDG, BiP, pJNK, PDI, Ero1-Ia and Calnexin.
Our results indicated that acupuncture at SP6 showed a significant antidepressant-like effect on an OVX-induced depression rat model by mitigation of ER stress and oxidative stress in amygdala.