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CENTER FOR VOLCANIC & TECTONIC STUDIES (CVTS)(sections separated by colored paper)
CVTS Activities CVTS Staff CVTS Bibliography-1993-1994 Future Directions
PaperThe role of the mantle during crustal extension: constraints from the geochemistry of volcanic rocks in the Lake Mead area: Nevada and Arizona (Reprint from December '93 Geological Society of America Bulletin) .
Abstracts of presentations
CONTRIBUTION OF T.K. BRADSHAWPaper Polygenetic volcanism at Crater Flat, Nevada (Manuscript in review for publication in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research)Further Geochemical modeling: Crater Flat.
PaperBasaltic volcanism in the southern Bash and Range: no role for a mantle plume.(Reprint from Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters)
Abstracts of presentations Data tables for chemical analyses Final thoughts
CONTRIBUTION OF G.M. YOGODZINSKI:Summary of CVTS efforts in the Reveille Range, south-central Nevada
PaperMagmatism and tectonic development of the western Aleutians: an oceanic arc in a strikeslip setting.(Reprint of paper published in the July '93 Journal of Geophysical Research)
Abstracts of presentations
CONTRIBUTION OF S.A. MORIKAWA Masters of Science ThesisThe Geology of the Tuff of Bridge Spring: Southern Nevada and Northwestern Arizona."..
INTRODUCTIONThe annual report of the Center for Volcanic Studies (CVTS) contains a series of papers, reprints and a Master of Science thesis that review the progress made by the CVTS between October 1,1992 and February 1,1994. During this period CVTS staff focused on several topics that have direct relevance to volcanic hazards related to the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. These topics include:(1) PoIygenetic/polycyclic volcanism in Crater Flat, Nevada(2) The role of the mantle during crustal extension.(3) The detailed geology of Crater Flat, Nevada.(4) Pliocene volcanoes in the Reveille Range, south-central Nevada.(5) Estimating the probability of disruption of the proposed repository by volcanic eruptions. This topic is being studied by Dr. C.H. Ho at UNLV.
CVTS ActivitiesCVTS staff presented papers at several professional meetings including:(a) International Associati...