accomplishments of the Foundation and its University Affiliates during the calendar year 1996 can be divided into five major categories. ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEILLANCE PROGRAM In this category, the Foundation and its University Affiliates: Routinely sampled air, water, soils, environmental dosimeters and various foodstuffs throughout the upper Snake River Plain for contaminants originating from the INEEL. During 1995, we collected 2,378 samples as part of the surveillance program, and performed 3,653 analyses on these samples. Completed construction and began routinely collecting data from two Community Monitoring Stations located at area schools. Damage Control programs and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Threatened and Endangered Species program. Participated in INEEL meetings including several established group meetings, ad hoc committees, and singular meetings. Facilitated use of the Idaho National Environmental Research Park by 162 University scientists, staff, and graduate students. We provided technical review of INEEL research plans and management documents. ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT The Foundation has served as a co-leader in the ecological risk assessment guidance development effort since its inception at the INEEL. This effort resulted in a guidance document for conducting screening-level ecological risk assessments on the INEEL. In 1996, the Foundation: Contributed to the development of techniques for conducting site-wide and WAG-wide ecological risk assessments. Participated in developing the Field Sampling Plan for the Site-wide Ecological Risk Assessment. Provided logistical support for two LMITCO summer interns to summarize the Foundation's reprint database with respect to it's relevance to ecological risk. Their report is in progress. Participated in a DOE-HQ sponsored working group to develop methodologies for incorporating the Data Quality Objectives process into the Ecological Risk Assessment process.