Abstract:The Cerrado (savanna) is a wide Neotropical formation, but the knowledge on the occurrence and distribution of bat species for this phytogeographic region is scarce, especially in the western portion. Here we address what are the bat species and their relative abundances in a western Cerrado site, municipality of Sonora, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Bats were mist-netted in eight non consecutive months over the course of two years. Sampled bats (n = 507) belonged to 18 species. The estimator Jackknife 1 estimated 22 species, and diversity (H') was 1.6. Richness and diversity of bats in Sonora were slightly higher than in the southern Cerrado, and similar to or lower than in the central Cerrado. Frugivorous species predominated, as expected, however richness and abundance of nectarivorous were unexpectedly high. Carollia perspicillata was the dominant species. The endemic bat Lonchophylla dekeyseri was highly abundant in Sonora, which enhances the importance of conserving the savanna remnants in this region. Resumo: O Cerrado (savana) é uma ampla formação neotropical, porém o conhecimento sobre a ocorrência e distribuição de espécies de morcegos é escasso para esta região fitogeográfica, principalmente na porção oeste. Estudamos aqui quais são as espécies de morcegos e suas abundâncias relativas em uma localidade da porção oeste do Cerrado, no município de Sonora, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Morcegos foram capturados em redes-de-neblina em oito meses não consecutivos ao longo de dois anos. Os morcegos amostrados (n = 507) pertenceram a 18 espécies. O estimador Jackknife 1 estimou 22 espécies, e a diversidade (H') foi 1,6. A riqueza e a diversidade de morcegos em Sonora foram pouco maiores que na porção sul do Cerrado, e semelhantes ou menores que no Cerrado central. Espécies frugívoras predominaram, como esperado, porém a riqueza e abundância de nectarívoras foram inesperadamente altas. Carollia perspicillata foi a espécie dominante. O morcego endêmico Lonchophylla dekeyseri foi muito abundante em Sonora, fato que aumenta a importância de conservar os remanescentes de savana dessa região. We evaluated suffi ciency of sampling using rarefaction curves based on the cumulative quantity of captured individuals, and estimated total expected richness with Jackknife 1 estimator (1000 randomizations) based on sampling nights. Shannon's diversity index (H'), using neperian logarithm and the 95% CI (bootstrap, 1000 randomizations), were calculated for the bat assemblage. Analyses were done in the Vegan package (Oksanen et al. 2010), R program (R Development Core Team 2010).
ResultsWe captured 507 individuals belonging to four families, 14 genera and 18 species ( Table 1). The rarefaction curve (Figure 1) showed that capture effort was suffi cient to include most of the species at the study site. The Jackknife 1 estimated 22 ± 1.9 (mean ± SD) species of bats, thus our observed richness (n = 18) included approximately 82% of the bat species which could be captured in mist-nets. The diversity (H') was 1.6, with 95% CI...